Mariano Sanz
I obtained the Medical Degree at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM) (1981) and later the Specialty of Stomatology (1983) and Doctorate in Medicine (PhD) at the same university (1985). Then I moved to UCLA (USA) to specialize in Periodontology (1988) and returned to UCM to become Professor of Periodontology (1989). Since then, I have held the position of Chairman of Periodontology, Director of the ETEP (etiology and therapy of periodontal and peri-implant diseases) Research Group and chairman of Postgraduate Periodontology (EFP accredited Perio Specialty Program). I am also Professor type II at the University of Oslo. I have received five honorary doctorate degrees by the Universities of Goteborg (Sweden), Coimbra (Portugal), San Sebastian (Santiago de Chile), University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Medical University of Warsaw. I am the past Dean from UCM, past President of the Spanish Society of Periodontology, The European Federation of Periodontology, and the European Federation of the IADR. I have published more than 390 scientific publications (ORCID # 0000-0002-6293-5755), (h-index 69) and I am an international lecturer in topics related to Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education.